The Wizards Butler

Ep 56 - The Wizards Butler

Butler isn’t a job title most people would consider in this day and age. But tie the job to a 1 year contract, $5,000 a month and a cool million on completion and a lot of people might jump at it. But what if the old man you are taking care of thinks he is a wizard? What if he really is? This month we are reading The Wizard’s Butler by Nathan Lowell. We were a little late getting this one recorded and had already planned on taking off the month of December, so count this as an early Christmas present. Our next books will be:

January - Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Ray Andrew, Kris Andrew, Shaun McLaren

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz